
We started out introducing ourselves. Then we talked a bit about the things we did in our prework.

The Stack

We also went over ‘the stack’. This refers to what’s running on the web servers we’re using.

In our case, we use the LAMP Stack. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.

Assignment: create and swap About Me sites

We created basic About Me pages and then swapped them by inviting a classmate to collaborate on our project in Github. The point of this was to practice creating and deploying sites and also to learn how to collaborate via github. Also, we got to add made up facts to somebody else’s page and introduce them to the class.

We also talked about where to eat in the area. This might have been the most useful part of the day.


Intro to UI/UX, Data Design Phase 1

Git on the command line/Creating Projects

Setting up a new project

  1. Make a new project on Github w/Apache 2.0 licence and initialize with readme
  2. Create a new .gitignore with .DS_Store and /.idea in it. (This tells git what files not to track.)
  3. In Git Bash (if using Windows) CD to the directory you want your new project to live in
  4. Copy the ‘Clone with SSH’ link from Github
  5. git clone sshLinkJustCopied (Right click to copy link)

Opening in PHPStorm

  1. File > Create New Project From Exisiting Files
  2. Source files are in a local directory, no web server is yet setup
  3. Select new directory just cloned from github

Committing & pushing changes

  1. git status (Tells you what is going on. Can be used at any point.)
  2. git add filename (This tells git what files you want to commit. You can use a period instead of a filename which tells it to add all files, except those specified in .gitignore. This is BAD practice because you don’t want to screw up and commit something you didn’t want to(API keys, etc.).
  3. git commit -m “commit message” (This actually commits the changes. The commit message should be a short description of the changes made since the last commit.
  4. git push (This pushes the changes to the remote. If git clone was used to setup the project, the remote is automatically set to where the project was cloned from.

Changing terminal in PHPStorm to be git bash in windows

One of my classmates could run git commands in the Windows Command prompt, but I couldn’t so I went to Google why. I did not actually figure out why that was (presumably a path setting in Environment variables), but more usefully, I did find a link to set the terminal that opens in PHPStorm to just be git bash. Stack Overflow link to do this (Last paragraph of first answer)

My next goal with this is just to get a computer setup with Linux so I can stop being frustrated with Windows things. Or at least have an alternative. I think I could do without Windows entirely, but being familiar with it is a nice skill to have when it comes to helping other people so I will probably never abandon it entirely. But yeah, Linux is on my todo list.


Snap challenge

Pro dev workshop

Data design, entities & keys- Data Design Phase 2


MySQL/DDL Basics

Logging in to a MySQL database from the command line.

Accessing a DB from PHPStorm

DDL – Data Definition Language

This is used to hold the SQL code to make databases and tables for a project.

Overview of Personal Web Project – PWP

Open work time

Side discussion about password management & reuse.


Snap Challenge- talking about creating user stories and Entity Relationship Diagrams. Basically the same as our previous discussions, but further practice and discussion.

Friday afternoon professional development

Friday afternoons at the bootcamp are a little bit different. First off, they cater in lunch for us, which is amazing. There are two other bootcamp option in addition to the Fullstack web development- Java/Android and Digital Media. Each group gets their own area, so we rarely see the other ones, but on Fridays, everybody joins together for lunch.

After lunch, there are a couple of hours of professional development: talks from alumni about where they are now or people from tech companies.

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